Name in a Frame

About two years ago while shopping with some of my design friends we stumbled upon these amazing images where words were spelled out of everyday images. I was currently working towards an emphasis in photography and absolutely fell in love with them! However, I did not love the price tag attached to the beautiful piece of art. My sister was engaged and I knew then this was exactly what I wanted to get for her. Therefore I traveled back to my hometown and started searching for letters! I now have an entire alphabet with some letters even coming from the beautiful country of Italy! They have become very popular wedding, christmas, and baby gifts and let me tell you, the price is very reasonable! :)

Friday, April 20, 2012

Something... NEW

I was getting tired of doing the same ol' same ol' black and white colors, I bought some 4 letter brown frames at Walmart last week and decided I would paint them and give them a little something' extra! After a day of painting and covered in paint, I decided upon some colors and more of my favorite "4 letter words!"

I loved this color of blue and thought it would be a perfect baby gift! 

I really liked the pink and of course what better word could you put in a pink frame

Pink for BABY also

I made this one for one of my favorite little boys!  His name is obviously JACK and he is a country boy therefore I went with a "John deere" Green color and the "J" is from a John Deere Tractor, he is also a K-State Fan and the "K" is from a K-State shirt!